and we sneak into Ft. Lauderdale…….

We shove off about 8:35am and head for our first bridge of the day….maybe 200′ from where we tied up last night. I hail the bridge and realize I missed an opening by five minutes…….got to wait til 9:00 to get through.

ready to go....
ready to go….
the first bridge of the day....
the first bridge of the day….

The forecast called for a high percentage of rain and a good chance of thunderstorms in the afternoon. Our path today would carry us through the Jupiter area and the Palm Beach areas. Incredible waterfront real estate. As we approached Ft. Lauderdale the mansions and the boats tied up in front of them got bigger and bigger.

In Ft. Lauderdale we have plans to have a few repairs made. A mechanic we contacted made arrangements in a boatyard where he could have access to the boat. Some marinas do not allow work on boats other than their own forces. The yard he directed us to was several miles from the heart of Ft. Lauderdale harbor down the south branch of the new River. The river was narrow and windy and crowded with activity. We crept for what seemed hours . And finally ended up at the Fort Lauderdale Boatyard and Marina.

Pretty crude, no frills, or showers or wifi…….well it is cheap.

Across the dock from us a lobster boat from the Bahamas…. All afternoon and into the night provisions to last three months were carted down the dock and piled onto the boat. They come here three times a year to provision the boat for the lobster season. The boats name is New Wrinkle and was part of a reality show several years ago about the lobster wars in the Bahamas.

loading up .....
loading up …..

We have watched several Uhaul trucks packed full of stuff arrive and stuffed ….

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