It’s 5:00 and I’m coffeed up. Weather looks possible today. Rain is subsiding and the winds should not be a big factor traveling south. Sun doesn’t rise until 7:30ish so maybe about 8:00 we’ll shove off. It’s 51 degrees this morning.
Still not smoking……really really want to….no I just need another cup of coffee. I can do this.
The day turned out great. The skies cleared and the wind subsided. We stopped at a small marina on Nettles Island just west of the Jensen Beach area. Nettles Island is man made from dredged material. It was originally developed as a trailer park. Over 1,300 lots. Many of the trailers are being replaced now with stick built residences. Neat stuff.
After another one of Susan’s great meals, we found our way to the beach and found Shuckers.