missing the holiday spirit……

Last night Susan and I discussed the holiday issue. She was having withdrawals from lack of holiday matter……and I hate to admit it, but so was I. One of my Grandsons face timed me yesterday and when I asked him what he wanted for Christmas, he told me he just wanted to be with me on the boat for Christmas. It brought tears to my eyes. Susan misses her kids, I miss my kids and all 7of our grandchildren. 

We decided it would be nice to find a place to try to capture some Christmas spirit. We chose Beaufort S.C. There is a marina right in the town. We can walk the town fully decorated and spend Christmas there too.

Beaufort is a good 70+ mile day and it includes three bridges that need to open. The first was 7ish miles away from Isle of Palm Marina…and it was closed from 7:00am to 9:00am. That looses two hours of daylight right off the top. Then the tides and currents were against us for the next three hours.

We crossed Charleston Harbor… Ft. Sumpter etc.

Ft. Sumpter...
Ft. Sumpter…

The day was small craft warnings, overcast and “upstream” all day.

Susan had this flock of seagulls that followed us all afternoon....
Susan had this flock of seagulls that followed us all afternoon….

At about 4:15 we were approaching Beaufort and a fog started to set in. We “felt” our way around and got to the last bridge we needed to pass before finding our marina. The bridge has a clearance of 30′ at high tide. We need 34′ to clear. As it happened, the tide was low (the tidal range here is 7 to 8 feet!) and the marker boards on the bridge showed 35′ of clearance…..we squeaked under.

The fog was rolling in by this time as we approached Beaufort Town Marina……..I’ll continue the story tomorrow. Happy Christmas Eve to all…..


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