Oriental or bust……

Today we make Oriental N.C.


Oriental Marina and Inn – decent facilities and a great restaurant. Shopping and drinking establishment are located within walking distance.

Ever since we bought this boat in April, I really wanted a chance to show my father. I owe my love for boating to my father. I remember always being around boats when I was growing up. Dad always had a sailboat. As the years pasted, the boats got bigger and bigger. Every weekend (at least it seemed) we were on the boat. Sailing, racing, painting, varnishing, polishing…. the experience was different each week.

Even when we weren’t on the boat we were involved in something nautical…..like “looking” at boats. I really like that. Dad and I walked the docks at marinas and he would tell me about the different features and histories about the sailboats we would see.

My brother Marvin worked with me (no he worked… I couldn’t keep up with him) on repairing, upgrading a lot on our “new” boat for the last 5 months. It was the first time I have really spent time with him in years. We decided I had to show Dad the boat on our way south. That’s why we had to stop at Oriental.

my father and me...
my father and me…
Susan and my step mom...
Susan and my step mom…

and our buddy Melvin showed up 30 minutes after we landed……

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